Traffic Details - Galaksion Advertising Network

Type Pop, In-Page Push, Web Push, Banner, Push-Notification, CPC, Native, CPM, Interstitial, In-Page
Mobile Yes
Desktop Yes
Retargeting Yes
Managed Yes
Self Serve Yes

Galaksion provides an opportunity to drive clean traffic directly from
webmasters, with neither fraud nor middlemen.

Traffic quality control has been our unchanging principle since 2014. At the same time, studying market trends and feedback from partners, we are constantly developing to become better. Our latest version includes:

💫 Beefed-up Self-Service platform for advertisers with automatic optimization for higher ROI
💫 Free tested creatives base for your ad campaigns
💫 CPA pricing model: now available for Push and On-Page Notification along with Popunder and Interstitial
💫 gAdvertiser League bonus program: score points and exchange them for mind-blowing prizes