Instant Checkmate - Homepage & Advertorial

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Instant Checkmate - Homepage & Advertorial
Payout: $30.00 / lead
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Other
Network: Affzoom Private Affiliate Network
Last Updated: Jan 06, 2016
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Instant Checkmate - Homepage & Advertorial
Instant Checkmate is a NON-PROFESSIONAL people finder and public records search service that provides users with unlimited background checks on a membership basis. Please refer to creatives to get links for the Advertorial version. Ideas for Approved Uses Include: Reputation Management - Wasn't that Expunged? - Checking out yourself Curiosity - You'll be SHOCKED! - Checking out your friends/ Facebook friends - Checking out your neighbors - Checking out parents of your children's friends - Checking out your family members - Finding somebody's current address - Finding lost love interests and old friends - Filling your personal address book Sex Offender Monitor - Are Your Kids Safe?! - Checking out sex offenders nearby Online Dating/ Meeting New People - Protect yourself by checking out potential online dates

Affzoom Private Affiliate Network

We are a boutique network we only allow very select publishers with experience and a record of producing quality results as well as the elite advertisers in the industry.