MR.BET - CA - PPS [37.74 CAD baseline]

Offer Details:

Offer Name: MR.BET - CA - PPS [37.74 CAD baseline]
Payout: $220.00 / lead
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Gambling
Network: CPALance
Last Updated: Oct 25, 2018
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MR.BET - CA - PPS [37.74 CAD baseline]
Flow: pixel fires on 37.74 CAD baseline (aggregated amount of deposits). Clients must be 18+ and provide valid info. 1) Fake leads will not be paid. 2) Leads are subject to post validation


CPALance has been around since August, 2016. All of our staff are former online CPA marketers and trainers. Due to our past experience, we made CPALance for Affiliates and Advertisers the best CPA network we could. We're very dedicated and appreciate your cooperation with us. CPALance is always ready to ensure your demand for performance marketing. We are a top network in the industry right now, providing the best support to make you profitable. Sufficient offers, high tracking systems, sincere affiliate managers available 24/7, newbie friendly, basic & premium publishers, tons of categories, etc. CPALance is a network built by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. Undoubtedly, it’s an ideal network for both beginners and advanced affiliates. Great tracking, competitive campaigns, urgent payouts, and more. Affiliates from all over the world have found CPALance to be a truly different network.